Program Title: Social Service Assistance - In Office Opportunities
Program Description: In addition to the assistance we welcome at our food pantry (DC) and diaper bank (MD), we have other opportunities at our offices to support the work of our social services team. From donation sorting and inventorying to our cumulative seasonal campaign events to support for our group therapy classes, especially as we return to more in-person sessions, there are multiple ways to support us at our offices!
Department/Individuals Assisting: Ayuda’s Social Services Team
Jobs Offered: We typically need support with the following jobs/opportunities to support our social service team outside of the office
Opportunity Requirements:
Sign Up: To join us to assist our social services team at our in office volunteer opportunities, please note the opportunities we are offering below! Our Volunteer Manger will reach out to a few days in advance of our opportunity to confirm your attendance. If you have any questions about this opportunity, please don’t hesitate to reach out to him at